Romtek Basic Fibre optics trainer

Model No:


Romtek® is the registered trade mark of Bhushan & Bhushan

Short Description

Fibre Optics Educational Kit is a stand alone unit, self contained to demonstrate the working of experiments to teach the fundamentals of Fibre Optics including the properties of Transmitter & Receiver, characteristics of Fibre Optics cables etc. It is possible to connect through the serial interface to a PC or printer without any additional software, this feature is additional and is priced extra. Specifications : Transmitter : 2Nos. Fibre Optic LED Receiver : Two Nos., configured around Photo detector. Modulation Technique : Digital Communication with Pulse Code modulation Coding/Decoding : Manchester Coding/Decoding Telephone handsets : Two Nos. No. of Channels : 16(64 Kbit/Sec Voice PCM : Two Nos. with phone handset channels Analog I/P : 1 V peak to peak Analog Bandwidth : 3.75 KHz Fibre Optic Cable : Plastic Optical Cable Fibre Diameter : 100 microns Outer Diameter : 2.2 mm No. of Fibres : Two Length : 1 and 3 metres Power Supply : Built-in Mains Supply : 230/115 V + 10%,Single Phase,AC Operating Conditions : 0-400 C,RH-90% at 350 C Accessories Optional : Fibre Optic Cable : 20 Metres Serial Interface : RS-232 Interface with Software Romtek LO Cost Fibre Optics Trainer is a stand alone unit, self contained to demonstrate the working of experiments to teach the fundamentals of Fibre Optics including the properties Transmitter & Receiver, on Analog Transmitter one Analog Receiver, one Fibre Optic Cable length, one Fibre Optic light source, one Fibre Optic light detector and associated connectors. Its four units are pictured above.